Project Objective
1. To develop socio-educational services for a minimum of 945 children and young people aged 6 to 24 years old in the communes of Nicolae Bălcescu, Răcăciuni, Filipeni, and Mărgineni (Bacău county) and the municipality of Roman (Neamț county), during the 30 months of the project, through the implementation of a complementary education program, in the day centers of the partners and the schools of the targeted localities.
2. Development of support services for members of the communities involved - minimum of 100 parents/legal guardians, 5 representatives of town halls, 5 social workers, and 50 other members of the communities - aimed at developing parenting skills, improving the parent-child and parent-school-authorities relationship and developing community spirit.
3. Increasing the level of training of 100 teachers from Nicolae Bălcescu, Răcăciuni, Filipeni, Mărgineni, and Roman municipalities on inclusive education by providing training and support programs, using both formal and non-formal methods, with an emphasis on non-formal education methods.
Status of implementation of project activities
Project coordination team meetings: during the reporting period, the project manager and project assistants had monthly meetings, on zoom or at the PP premises. The purpose of the meetings was to plan, clarify, and organize the project activities related to this period.
The Project Procurement Plan was finalized in the previous reporting period.
The financial audit service was contracted in the previous reporting period - Contract no.10/8.03.2021.
Communication and promotion services were contracted in the previous reporting period - Contract No. 1/19.01.2021, Contract No. 2/20.01.2021, Contract No. 3/20.01.2021.
Each of the partner organizations:
- carried out 1) after-school activities planned in each center: serving hot meals, extra help with homework under the supervision and with the support of educators, 2) sports activities, 3) creative activities, 4) health education activities, 5) computer literacy activities, 6) leadership skills development activities.
- Organized all the necessary logistics for the organization of the listed activities and made sure that the activities are carried out according to the list of activities, the calendar of activities, and the budget.
- After-school activities: Every day, in all day centers of the 3 partner organizations, children received a hot meal, did their homework supervised by educators and volunteers, and participated in recreational activities and activities designed to develop independent living skills.
- Development of life skills through sports - in all-day centers, there were daily sports activities, outdoor and indoor competitive activities (football, table tennis, shooting, relays, other games, hiking), as well as dances allowing the participation of all age groups, girls and boys. In total there were 6 types of main workshops with different themes and competitions.
- Organisation of creative activities in workshops. In all-day centers of the partner organizations, creative activities were carried out such as hand-made creative workshops: modeling, plastic arts, painting on religious themes, foil painting, Halloween decorations, and masks, as well as musical workshops - guitar, karaoke, dance, theatre.
- Sexual health education activities
These activities took place in all the day centers of the partner organizations. Sexual health education workshops were held weekly deepening the topics on body hygiene, healthy eating, the importance of sports for sexual health, workshops on gender differences, changes in the body during menstruation and adolescence, personal space, and intimacy. The activities were aimed at all children and the themes were adapted to their age.
- Computer literacy and internet safety activities with a focus on media literacy, selecting information from the internet, and useful use of the internet and technology.
In all-day centers, educational activities were organized on editing in Word - writing text, page layout, correct selection of information, especially using search engines, use of the Classroom platform, monitored use of educational platforms for games such as Kahoot, Escape Room, or for educational resources: Vox Valachorum, Duolingo, Wikipedia, various websites for information on school subjects.
- Development of mentoring skills.
PP - In YANA Foundation mentoring activities were carried out with 12 children from the 3-day centers of the foundation. They were selected after a period of observation and evaluation of several children by psychologists specialists, the activities carried out during the reported period aimed at developing functional communication skills, teamwork - motivation vs. demotivation in the team, as well as developing leadership skills by coordinating activity within the group of children - with whom, when and how we use our leadership skills.
Mentoring skills development activities were carried out in the PP day centers. PP selected 12 children to participate in the mentoring program.
Training and coaching for teachers
1. Training: the first of 2 training sessions for teachers took place in Slănic-Moldova, jud. Bacău, on 19-22 August 2021; 4 trainers and 25 teachers from the 5 partner schools (Alexandru Piru Secondary School "Alexandru Piru" Mărgineni, Mărgineni structure, Bacău county; Răcăciuni Secondary School, 1st - 8th grades, Răcăciuni commune, Bacău county; Primary School with classes I-VIII Filipeni, Filipeni commune, Bacău county; Primary School with classes I-VIII Nicolae Bălcescu, Bacău county; Primary School with classes I-VIII "Costache Negri" structure of the Roman-Catholic Theological High School "Sfantul Francisc de Assisi", Roman municipality, Neamt county;).
Themes: a) development of relationships, b) safety of relationships on the Internet; c) health education and sex education; d) prevention of alcohol, drugs, and other addictions, and e) combating human trafficking.
Topics specific to adolescence were covered:
Puberty and adolescence, Anatomy and physiology of the reproductive organs, Hygiene, Sexual health education, Internet relationship safety, Adolescence without violence, Types of abuse, Youth safety.
An objective evaluation of the training was carried out.
The second teacher training session is planned to take place on 21-24 January 2022.
The coaching activity is planned to start on 26 January 2022.
Activity A.5.1 is subcontracted.
- Activity A.5.1 is subcontracted.
PP- The first training dissemination session in the project schools took place as follows:
* on 17 November in Costache Negri School, Roman, Filipeni Secondary School
* on 18 November in Răcăciuni Secondary School
* on 25 November in the Secondary School. Mărgineni, N. Bălcescu Secondary School;
61 teachers participated, as follows:
- 21 teachers in Răcăciuni Secondary School,
- 12 teachers in the Gymnasium School. Mărgineni,
- 10 teachers in the Secondary School. N. Bălcescu,
- 9 teachers in the Costache Negri Secondary School, Roman,
- 9 teachers at the Filipeni Secondary School.
Activity A.5.2 is subcontracted.
Communication activities
Each of the partner organizations in the project will provide the company contracted for communication services with information and photographs for use in articles and press releases.
The communication activities of the project will take place monthly throughout the project. These are described in detail in the communication plan. They will take place both at the headquarters of the 3 partner organizations (Yana-You Are Not Alone Foundation-com. N. Bălcescu, Jud. Bacău, Fundația Sfântul Ioan Calabria, Răcăciuni, Asociația Favor, Filipeni) and at a national level, by distributing information about the project in social media. Beneficiaries: decision-makers and specialists (public entities), decision-makers and specialists from NGOs, and the general public.
1Development of visual identity elements of the project. After the procurement procedure for communication and promotion services (December 2020), and the contracting of services (January 2021), the visual identity elements of the project were developed in January 2021.
2. Project launch conference. On 5.02.2021 the project launch conference was organized online on the ZOOM platform; it was attended by approx. 35 people: representatives of the PO, local authorities, partner schools, priests, members of the governing boards of partner organizations, and members of the project coordination team. The objectives of the project, the desired results, the target groups, the main activities to be carried out in the project, as well as relevant information about EEA and Norwegian grants were presented.
3. Promotion of the activities in 7 project centers: in February information about the project activities in the day centers involved was published on the project website and distributed on the project partners' websites and on the project and PP Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as on the partners' websites and Facebook pages.
4. Social media promotion: will be done through the websites and Facebook and Instagram pages of PP and partner organizations: in February information related to the project activities was published on the project website and distributed on the websites of the project partners and on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the project and PP, as well as on the websites and Facebook pages of the partners.
5. Development of the project website and updating it with articles about the project activities.
6. Production and transmission of press releases.
On the occasion of the project launch conference, a press release was published on the websites of two news publications and on the websites, Facebook and Instagram pages of the project partners, from where they were redistributed.
The partnership between the three partner organizations - YANA Foundation, St. John Calabria Foundation, and Favor Association - is being carried out under the terms of the partnership agreement and the grant contract. Each of the three partners makes every effort to implement the activities undertaken to the highest quality standards. Communication between the partners is effective. There is a continuous exchange of best practices and intensive collaboration between the various teams of specialists within the three organizations to standardize the project activities in all the day centers involved.
Promoting the use of new technologies in education
The purchase of smart boards and VR glasses were prepared in January and carried out in February 2021. The delivery and installation of the equipment to the schools where the project activities are carried out, as well as the training of teachers for their use were done in March 2021.
PP - The equipment is used in school activities.
P1 - In the previous reporting periods, the 4 smart boards were delivered and installed and the pairs of VR glasses were delivered, technologies allocated to P1 in the project. They were distributed to Costache Negri Roman Secondary School, Răcăciuni, Gheorghe Doja, and Fundu Răcăciuni Secondary Schools. Photos were received from the teachers of these schools while they were using the smart boards in class.
P2 - The association team verified that the smart board, installed at Filipeni secondary school, is used by teachers with students. We identified teachers interested in using the technology and supported them with ideas and programs.
Subscription bus payment for 20 children
PP- during the reporting period, PP provided scholarships to cover the cost of transport between home and school for high school/vocational school students who benefited from the services of the foundation's day centers.
In the reporting period 2021, P1 offered one scholarship of 100 lei each for the settlement of expenses related to transportation to school in another locality for children and young people attending schools (high school/college) in localities other than their home localities.
The activity, scheduled to start in the 9th month of the project, has been brought forward by 4 months to fit in with the school calendar.
Parenting skills and support for parents
Within the Formam Viitorul project, there are activities to help and support parents. These are:
A) Parenting education - skills to raise responsible children
The activity is planned to start in the 18th month of the project..
P2 Started the activity earlier with the possibility of interested parents. A total of 4 parenting education meetings were held in 2021.
B) Financial education for parents
PP - parent meetings were held every 2 months in all PP centers on the topics "Say no and keep your word", "Practice patience" and "Teach your child to earn money".
PP carried out financial education workshops in each community (Nicolae Bălcescu and Mărgineni) with several meetings on the same theme, due to the limitations imposed on the number of people inside. The total number of single parents attending the workshops was 65. The meetings were organized for groups of approx. 12 parents, with each group attending meetings on each of the themes.
P1 carried out the financial education activity in which parents participated as follows:
- Races - 1 meeting in October, 7 parents, and 1 meeting in December, 10 parents.
- Roman - 1 meeting in October, 7 parents
- At one meeting in December, 12 parents
At the Day Centre in Răcăciuni, the activity was 100% completed, with 5 meetings with 50 parents as unique beneficiaries, according to the indicators in the grant application.
P2 - no financial education activity for parents during the reporting period. In total, two workshops were conducted in 2021.
C) Female/Male Tisch
PP- The training of the Femme/Homme Tisch activity officer was carried out in the previous reporting period, May-August 2021, with a delay due to movement limitations and preventive measures imposed to prevent Covid infections. Weekly training sessions provided by the expert Eltern Kind Forum (Liechtenstein) were conducted online.
In July, the first dissemination session to specialists implementing project-wide activity A.4.3 was carried out.
PP: During the reporting period 3 Femme/Homme Tisch meetings were held at Casa YANA, 3 at Casa Heidi, and 3 at Casa Aurora.
P1, during the reporting period, organized one Femme/Homme Tisch meeting in October 2021 at the Roman Day Centre, and 3 meetings were held at the Day Centre in Răcăciuni, one each in October, November, and December 2021.
P2 - during the reporting period, organized 3 Femme/Homme Tisch meetings with the theme: 10 Steps to Mental Health.
"Inclusive Community"
1. Cooperation with local authorities, and representatives of local companies, for the development of the information campaign "Consequences of alcohol and other harmful substances among minors".
The specific objective to which the "Inclusive Community" activity contributes is to develop support services for members of the communities involved - for at least 200 parents, 5 representatives of the town halls, 5 social workers - aimed at developing parenting skills, services to improve the parent-child and parent-school-authorities relationship, reducing alcohol consumption, preventing violence and developing community spirit.
During the reporting period, the partner organizations cooperated with local authorities interacting with young people (local police, social workers, etc.) and representatives of companies.
100 posters were posted in the partner communities.
PP - two round tables were held with representatives of public institutions (town hall, schools, local councilors, priests) and private institutions (doctors' surgeries, commercial establishments) from Nicolae Bălcescu commune and Margineni commune.
P1 - organized two meetings in the community, one at the Roman day care center and one at the Răcăciuni daycare center.
P1 - organized two meetings in the community, one at the Roman day care center and one at the Răcăciuni daycare center.
2. Awareness campaign on the role of inclusive education in reducing school drop-out
2. Awareness campaign on the role of inclusive education in reducing school drop-out
P1- in November, the implementation of activity A6.2 started, with the specialists involved in the project traveling to the partner schools to present the children's pupils, the purpose of this activity, and the exhibition that will be made in each community with their works, with the theme "Friendly School". Thus, in Roman, a presentation activity was organized with the participation of 20 pupils from Costache Negri school.
In Racaciuni, 8 meetings were organized in the school of Racaciuni locality with the participation of 113 pupils, in Fundu Racaciuni 4 meetings with the participation of 55 pupils, and Gheorghe Doja 4 meetings with the participation of 70 pupils.
They were told about inclusive education and its role in reducing school dropouts.
The children made the works, and in the next period, when the sanitary conditions will allow it, we will organize the two exhibitions according to the provisions of this activity.
The partner organizations in the project have the following tasks:
- to organize joint meetings, in each community targeted by the project, between local police, social workers, local councilors, and small shop owners.
- to organize meetings between the local police, social workers, and parents in each of the communities targeted by the project.
- Organise awareness raising campaign in each of the communities targeted by the project on the role of inclusive education in reducing school drop-out.
- to participate in meetings aimed at developing an action plan on the organization of local social services.
- to organize, in each of the communities targeted by the project, joint parent-child-teacher activities: greening actions, tree planting/renovation of neglected areas of interest to children, according to local needs.
- Partner organizations will coordinate the organization of meetings aimed at proposing a set of recommendations for the organization of social services in the communities involved.
Development of the project's visual identity elements and communication tools, as well as the installation of the 7 information boards.
Project visual identity elements and communication materials - logo, banner, roll-ups, slogan - as well as communication tools - website, Facebook page, Instagram page, template documents, local and national press database - were developed in the previous reporting period.
The 7 information billboards were installed in May 2021.